Frequently Asked Questions

Does CBD cause a feeling of "haze" or "high"?

No. CBD does not make you feel “high”, but causes a feeling of alertness, vitality and energy. CBD primarily provides relief, both mental and physical, from pain, distress, anxiety and more.

The CBD is neither vague nor intoxicating. You can take the desired dose and continue with your daily routine.

Is there a difference between CBD made from Hemp and CBD made from marijuana?

No. Both marijuana and hemp have THC and CBD along with several hundred other active ingredients including cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes. The same molecules that are in marijuana are also in Hemp. The difference is in the amount of molecules, that is, in the molecular composition.

What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?

Hemp and marijuana both belong to the cannabis plant family but their composition is different. 

What is the difference between "hemp oil" and "hemp seed oil"?

Hemp oil is actually synonymous with CBD oil. This oil is made from the hemp plant’s inflorescence and includes CBD, THC and other active ingredients in the hemp plant (cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes).

Hemp oil is also called CBD oil because CBD is the most common.

Hemp seed oil is made from seeds found in the hemp plant where there is no cannabinoids, neither CBD nor THC.

Hemp seed oil contains very important supplements such as amino acids, omega 3 and omega 6. It can and should be added in many ways to the average family’s daily menu, but it is important to know that it does not contain all the ingredients that make cannabis unique from other plants.

Is CBD produced from the seeds or from the inflorescence?

The highest concentration of CBD (and other active substances) in the hemp plant is in the inflorescence, however, a certain concentration of CBD is also found in the leaves and branches/stems of the hemp, and therefore are also been used in the oil extraction process.

The hemp seeds, on the other hand, do not contain CBD and THC nor the other hundreds of active ingredients in the plant and therefore do not participate in the extraction process.

What is the difference between CBD based on hemp seed oil / olive oil/ coconut oil?

CBD oil is a molecular extract from the hemp plant. Molecular extraction (decarboxylation) isolates CBD and other plant cannabinoids.

The next step is to “build” the product itself: a certain concentration of CBD and the rest of the cannabinoids are mixed with (or loaded onto) some carrier oil, basically neutral. This oil can be hemp seed oil, olive oil or MCT medical coconut oil. These oils are well-known oils in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.

Does CBD have any side effects?

To date, no serious side effects of using CBD are known and it is already known and recommended by many expert committees as a safe, non-addictive and good long-term, stable effect.

Some consumers report little dry mouth and / or thirst, sometimes with excessive arousal until bedtime and difficulty falling asleep. These side effects are usually easy to treat by lowering the dose.

Should a doctor be consulted before using CBD?

Although CBD has been proven in many studies to be safe to use even at very high doses, and although very few users report any side effects, the use of CBD does not serve as a substitute for consulting the family physician for people suffering from illness or medical problems. The CBD is a chemical compound that has a positive and balanced effect on the body and mind, and consultation with a doctor will enable proper and effective monitoring of the process.

Many people who consume psychiatric prescription drugs use CBD as a solution for anxiety, depression, etc. We do not recommend discontinuing medication without consulting a physician.

How can CBD help me?

Cumulative research and experience of thousands of users reveals that CBD is effective in treating a wide range of medical problems alongside improving quality of life.

The CBD relieves chronic pain, relieves fibromyalgia symptoms, reduces depression and anxiety, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, digestive, relieves psoriasis, balances sugar levels for diabetics, cures depressed immune system, helps treat cancer, treats blood vessels, and more.

CBD is a natural substance. It is not intoxicating or addictive.

Many people use CBD for smoking cessation, as a substitute for sleeping pills, a replacement for Ritalin for ADHD and more.

What is the best way to consume / take CBD?

The best way to consume CBD depends on each individual’s preference. For example, if you are looking for a quick and effective way to consume CBD at any time and place, taking CBD oil under the tongue may be the best method for you.

But if you don’t like the taste of hemp oil and prefer to use CBD more carefully, CBD capsules can be a good answer to what you’re looking for.

Alternatively, if you prefer to avoid ingesting CBD (if you have local pain for example), then CBD products such as anti-pain creams or CBD candles can be a good solution for you.

How to take CBD oil?

There are many ways to take CBD oil:

  • Taking under the tongue
  • Ingestion of CBD combined with food products
  • CBD inhalation by evaporation
  • Apply CBD to the skin
  • CBD candles for vaginal or rectal administration.

The most common way of taking CBD is oral, by dripping oil drops under the tongue.

We advise to avoid swallowing the oil for as long as possible to allow it to be well absorbed in the oral mucosa. Its absorption through the stomach will take longer and may even be less effective.